David Maddock will be offering locals a connection to the spirit world when his UK tour lands at Exmouth Pavilion.

The former construction worker turned psychic medium is expected to thrill audiences with his sell-out show on Tuesday, April 2nd.

Mr Maddock's life took a turn when he had a near-death experience.

The accident left him with mystical insights.

He explained: "This wasn’t a world I was familiar with but when I started to recover, I realised I could see, hear and feel things other people couldn’t".

Before his psychic career, David Maddock worked as a road roller driver.

The unexpected pull from the spirit world, however, led him to a sudden career shift.

His shows have since travelled across the country to enthusiastic audiences.

The 38-year-old's straightforward attitude towards psychic mediumship has garnered the attention of celebrities, making him a sensation in the spirit realm.

Author Bob Sanderson said: "This man is going to lead the work of psychic mediums across the world.

"He is authentic, honest and the real deal.

"There is no ‘woo-woo’ or the smoke and mirrors deception that can often cloud the industry.

"He says it as it is and, from my experience, very accurately."

Exmouth Journal: The former construction worker turned psychic medium is expected to thrill audiences with his

David Maddock, originally from West-Bromwich but now based in Stretton, East Staffordshire, expressed surprise at his success.

He said: "The fact I am heading on a UK tour to sell-out venues is daunting but the amazing welcome I get from audiences has been such a rewarding experience."

His shows are designed to cater to both believers and sceptics.

He emphasised that for those uncomfortable receiving messages publicly, he offers discreet, confidential chats.

He said: "I have no intention of making anyone nervous about the experience."

The psychic's tour will conclude in London's West End, following sell-out appearances in several English cities.

Visit the Exmouth Pavilion website via www.exmouthpavilion.co.uk for more information about the show, such as how to get tickets.

For those interested in bridging the gap between the earthly and the spiritual, Maddock's show in Exmouth promises an exciting, down-to-earth experience.