A collection of books aimed at people affected by dementia is now available at all of East Devon’s libraries, including those at Exmouth and Budleigh Salterton.

The Reading Well for Dementia collection is endorsed by health experts, carers of people with dementia, and charities. The books contain information and personal case histories that will help people to understand dementia and cope with its effects on their loved ones.

The collection includes a book by local dementia campaigner Gina Awad, illustrated by cartoonist Tony Husband. The book, United, tackles the serious issue of dementia and its impact on families in a humorous and approachable way.

Gina said: “I was overjoyed to hear I was selected as a featured author in this fabulous scheme, particularly knowing all titles have been reviewed by people directly affected by dementia, as well as professionals.”

During the run-up to the launch of Reading Well for Dementia this week, Gina has been visiting libraries across East Devon to talk to staff about her book and the importance of the collection. She was at Exmouth Library last Friday, May 10.

Exmouth Library's senior supervisor Beatrice Drecq said: “It’s enlightening to see ‘United’ offers true family carer stories covering a range of subjects making it inclusive for all. We are delighted with the brand new dementia book collection and its 20 titles for our community here in Exmouth." 

Gina said: “I was welcomed with open arms to Exmouth library to chat with Beatrice about the new Reading Well on prescription booklist. Seeing the educational and varied compilation on display highlighted what a difference these resources will make to people in our communities. Whilst the collection will support those affected by dementia, it will also help help educate those who aren’t but may want to learn more."

Keith Oliver, from the not-for-profit CIC Innovations in Dementia, said: “Reading other people's lived experience, both as a family carer and as a person with dementia, does help you to know that you're not alone.

“There's also the reassurance that everyone’s experience is different. So you learn about similarities from these books, but also you draw some strength from the fact that you're different."

The full Reading Well for Dementia collection is available as books, e-books and audiobooks. More information, and the full list, can be found here.