Members of Exmouth & Budleigh Anglo-French Society met up at the Norman Centre in Budleigh Salerton for their first evening meeting of the new season.

Members gathered for ‘une soirée conviviale’ to launch the year’s activities which were postponed from September, when the original date sadly clashed with Her late Majesty’s funeral.

After watching a short slide show of the Society’s trip up the river with Stuart Lines in July, members tucked into home-made cake and a glass of wine, whilst tackling the intricacies of when to use the ‘vous’ or ‘tu’ form of address in French.

This was followed by ‘speed chatting’, when members circulated engaging in brief chats on a given topic.

Committee member, Catherine Harding said: “This was enjoyed by all as everyone could converse at their own level of French with lots of different conversation partners."

Next week, on Monday 24 October, the Society has a new initiative, when members will meet up at The Ocean in Exmouth for the first time for more cake and chat. This will take place on the first-floor deck from 3.30pm to 4.45pm.

First Monday of the month ‘cuppa and conversation’ sessions at the Wesley Community Café in Budleigh will also continue throughout the year.

Chair of the Society Marian Beaumont said: “Members love these sessions. We are celebrating a year of co-operation with Launchpad, who run the café. It has been so positive for us both. They are now also offering us a shelf for ‘French magazine/book swap’, so we are delighted with that,” continued Marian. “And we can’t wait for further special celebrations they provide for us in December, January and February.”

“The next evening meeting at the Norman Centre will be in November and will be a talk in French by one of our members on early experiences living in Paris.”

Membership of the Society costs £5 per year and provides lots of opportunities to practise the French language and learn more of the history and culture of France.

Contact Catherine on 07855 194408 or Marian on 07812 899635 for further details.