The Warren View Playing Fields could be getting an upgrade if new plans are agreed by East Devon District Council (EDDC). 

Planning permission has been submitted to EDDC on behalf of Exmouth Town Football Club and Williams Planning to improve the playing pitch and raise and level the surface of the pitch.  

The application site is Warren View Playing Fields across a 1.4 hectares area of land in Halsdon Avenue of Exmouth town. 

The plans are to 'enhance' will create a level sports field with appropriate field drainage in order to address pre-existing issues with the current uneven surface and poor drainage currently at the site. 

The site lies within 'flood zone three', the highest category of flood risk and tends to flood every winter after heavy rain.  

If the plans submitted are succesful, work will start at the end of the footballing season.

The planning document states: "The existing playing pitches at Warren View are in poor condition. The land is suffering from areas of collapse, which is thought to be related to the area being a former landfill site in the past. The land also drains poorly. The development will provide a level playing field space for sports and improve drainage, providing enhanced facilities and greater accessibility throughout the winter months, when otherwise the pitches may not be usable." 

Nick James, Director of Youth Football at Exmouth Town Football Club said: "The work will be carried out , free of charge to us. The pitch is in need desperate need of repair, the playing surface has seen better days and floods most winters. We took over the site 18 months ago and the pitch had seen better days then, sometimes in the winter we would be better off running a sychonised swimming team, not a football team, thats how much the site floods. It is also full of mole hills which make it bad for our teams to play football on."

The plans will be discussed by Exmouth Town Council’s planning committee before East Devon District Council makes the final decision.