Exeter Road Community Primary School has been rated as requires improvement at their latest Ofsted inspection. 

The report published in December said the school pupils 'behave well in lessons' and are 'polite and respectful' and that learning is 'rarely disturbed.' Despite this, inspectors said leaders at the school had an 'over-generous' view of the quality of education. 

Staff feel well supported. Leaders communicate well and listen to their views. Staff say that leaders give them enough time to manage their workload effectively. Staff contribute ideas towards their own professional development.

Leaders have recently introduced a new curriculum for mathematics and early reading. Pupils read books from a range of authors and genres however some pupils read books that do not match their reading ability. 

Ofsted has four ratings: inadequate, requires improvement, good, and outstanding. 

Marnie England, headteacher at Exeter Road Primary School said: "We have received our OFSTED report and are proud that they have recognised that the pupils attending Exeter Road are happy and enjoy coming to school. Over the last few years, during our building project, throughout Covid and with a change of leadership, we have focused on making sure that our children are safe, feel valued as individuals and know that they are listened to. The inspectors acknowledged this and described our children as 'polite and respectful', our staff as 'caring and approachable' and our school as 'welcoming.'

"OFSTED also highlighted some areas for development, which mostly involve formalising our procedures to allow us to better evidence all of the fabulous work that we do. We have already begun working on this and are confident that we have the skills within the school to show OFSTED what they want to see when they return. Our curriculum has always been and will continue to be constantly evolving, as we develop alongside educational research, respond to local and global events and acknowledge the needs and interests of our children.

"Other positives from the inspection include that 'leaders have high expectations for pupils', 'Leaders accurately identify pupils individual needs of pupils with SEND' and how we promote a love of reading.

"Staff at Exeter Road care passionately about doing the best possible job for our children and our community and will continue to strive to do this."

Read Exeter Road's full report here - 50201183 (ofsted.gov.uk)