Don't miss RED the Christmas Panto at the Blackmore with the first night on Tuesday 12th and running until Sunday 17th with two Matinees on Saturday and Sunday.

Tickets available on Ticket Source or call Ticket Line 07484 509514. Red - The Story of Little Red Riding Hood and The Three Little Pigs. Little Red Riding Hood’s grandmother, Dame Gladioli Bunn, lives in Rose Cottage, in a clearing in the middle of the Forest. Red kindly takes her home-baked food and drink, which her mother makes, every day, and all is well in their world. Three Little Pigs come into the Forest looking for somewhere to live. Deciding they all have very different ideas of what makes a Home, they decide to build their own houses. Meanwhile, a very hungry wolf, who will eat anything and anyone he can get his teeth into, is out looking for dinner.