Candidates running for the Exmouth and Exeter East constituency in the general election on July 4, have been reacting to Wednesday's news. 

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called a general election for July 4 2024, at an address to the nation on Wednesday (May 22) outside number 10.

We have approached all parliamentary candidates for Exmouth and Exeter East for their reaction to the news that the electorate will head to the polls on July 4.

Dan Wilson, parliamentary candidate for the Independents said: "Like everyone, I was surprised the general election was called but after so much drawn out speculation, it is great to finally have a date. From conversations on the doorstep, I’ve picked up a real lack of enthusiasm from the public for politics and politicians. It’s totally understandable given the constant sleaze and the dreary bland messaging we get from political parties. The public just want a local candidate who puts the constituency first, without political bickering and finger pointing, I’m delighted to offer this constituency a positive campaign, focused solely on local issues and championing the great work that is going on here. I have no ‘tribe’ to represent, I want to represent all of us."

Paul Arnott, candidate for the Liberal Democrats said: " Like most people in the country, I welcome an election in early July. Things simply can’t drag on with the country ruled by a party in chaos. We need a change.

"As East Devon leader at District for the last five years, I have hard-won experience of what it’s actually like to follow on from 45 years of Conservative failings. From Housing to Public Toilets, broken promises to the people of Cranbrook to an undemocratic approach to Exmouth Seafront, I’ve had to deal with it all. I still am.

"I have even had to lead the council in taking on South West Water, because the Conservatives in government have failed to stop profits before maintenance, and have defunded those who are meant to regulate. Meanwhile our streets and streams and sea are filled with raw sewage, the perfect symbol for Conservative neglect.

"In Exmouth and Exeter East, the maths proves that only I can beat the Conservatives. Across the constituency the Conservatives have 9 district councillors, Labour 8 and the Greens 2. The Liberal Democrats hold 12 seats, more than Labour and Green put together. A non-Tory vote for anyone but the LibDems might let the Tory through.

"I also have the personal endorsement of former Independent candidate, Claire Wright, who came close to beating the Conservatives in 2019. I am incredibly grateful that she will be introducing me at my campaign launch on 1st June and working with my team. She says that I am the only realistic alternative to the Conservatives on July 4th. If you’d like to help, please email me on"

Helen Dallimore, Labour candidate said: "Change is long overdue and the Labour party is ready to make it happen with a long term, serious plan. After 14 years of a Tory Government, the country is worse off than where it started. Living standards are down and, as a local mother of two, I know we all feel the impact of that as crime goes unpunished, ambulances don't come, schools are crumbling and mortgages and food prices are through the roof. In the Exmouth and Exeter East Constituency people and businesses also feel the direct impact of sewage in our rivers and seas. 

"There is a clear choice here in Exmouth and Exeter East, either 5 years of more chaos and decline with the Tories or hope and unity under the Labour party. In this new constituency, Labour is the only party that can beat the Tories and we have already set out the first steps we would take in government. It is time to turn the page for Exmouth and Exeter East and together we can rebuild our country."

Conservative candidate, David Reed said: "On the 4th of July, the people of Exmouth & Exeter East will have a big decision to make about the future of our home. 

"Since being selected as the Conservative Party Parliamentary Candidate last summer, we’ve been working day in, day out to demonstrate that we are up to the job. Over the past 10 months, we’ve spoken with thousands of local people, families, businesses, and organisations to hear their priorities. We are now getting on with the job of delivering in our area. Whether that be improving our unacceptable sewage situation, pushing back on local overdevelopment without infrastructure, or sorting our area’s NHS and social care provisions, we are getting on with the job. 

"As a local former Royal Marine, public service remains a cornerstone of my life. Serving everyone in Exmouth & Exeter East would be the greatest honour, and I am ready to stand up to do my part for our home.”