Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat's beach lifeguard team will return this weekend for their fourth year of service.

The lifeguards will be back on duty for the May half-term (Saturday, May 25 until Sunday, June 2).

There will then be weekend cover until Saturday, July 20, with full-time service from then until Sunday, September 8.

Four of last year's lifeguards are returning, along with five new recruits for this season.

As well as being fully qualified beach lifeguards, the team will complete additional first aid training and take part in exercises and training with other agencies over the summer, including Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat, South Western Ambulance Service and the coastguard.

Last year the lifeguards responded to around 60 incidents including weaver fish stings, missing children, and cuts and bruises, as well as assisting with more serious incidents. Day-to-day, they provided endless safety advice, local knowledge and first aid.

They also provided sea safety talks at all Sidmouth's local schools, addressing more than 1,000 students along with teachers, parents and siblings. The talks were very well received and will continue to be provided this year.

Sidmouth Independent Lifeboat would like to thank Kings Garden Centre for continuing to provide storage facilities for its lifeguard units during the winter months.