Rehearsals for The Salterton Drama Club’s next production, When We Are Married by J.B. Priestly are well underway.

This classic comedy directed by long term member Richard Gomm is full of Yorkshire accents and lots of laughs.

Twenty-five years ago, the Helliwells, the Parkers and the Soppitts were married on the same day by the same parson. They gather at the Helliwell home to celebrate their silver wedding. The new chapel organist tells them that he recently met the parson who conducted the triple wedding ceremony – he was not authorised to do so.

Pandemonium breaks out when these pillars of society believe they have been living in sin for twenty-five years.

The show forms part of a series of exciting events hosted by the group this summer, including The Big Budleigh Barn Dance as part of the Lions Club Gala Week, Over the Rainbow – a concert from Exmouth A Cappella ladies choir, and finally a touring production of William Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream by The South Devon Players Theatre and Film Company.

When we are Married will be showing Monday 3rd June – Friday 7th June at 19:30, with a final matinee performance on Saturday 8th June at 14:30.

Tickets are £14 and available from or Budleigh Information Centre 01395 445275.