Volunteers recently guided twenty toddlers as they planted and watered flowers contributing to the group’s floral display.

The volunteer group, Exmouth in Bloom, hosted ABC Nursery helping with the group's colour display in the blue boat, which is located near the nursery.

The event saw 20 two and three-year-olds from the nursery's "Inventors Room" handling trowels, digging holes and planting new flowers like seasoned gardeners.

The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part, helping the group’s mission to create, develop and maintain floral displays in and around ExmouthIn action: Children enjoyed helping to create floral displays in and around Exmouth (Image: ABC Nursery)

The children thoroughly enjoyed taking part, helping the group’s mission to create, develop and maintain floral displays in and around Exmouth.

The volunteer group hopes that the activity will bring joy to residents and visitors alike, and also inspire a new generation of gardening enthusiasts.

Staff and children from the nursery will help care for the flowers they have planted over the coming weeks.

Grateful for the opportunity, the staff at ABC Nursery thanked Exmouth in Bloom, expressing interest in future collaborations.

If you would like to find out more about Exmouth in Bloom’s work, you can visit their website.