Exmouth’s annual event to raise funds and awareness for lung transplants and organ donors is set to return in full this summer.

Organ Donor Day 2024 takes place on July 27 from 10am to 4pm on Exmouth Strand.

Steve Gazzard said: "Time is rushing on. If you would like to take part in this well respected event we do still have a few pitches left for stallholders and anyone who would like to display a class car to crowds."

"Contact us either via our Facebook page or email us at exmouth.organdonor@gmail.com."

Cllr Gazzard is looking for stallholders and owners of classic cars to come forward to be part of the day. He is also looking for donations of tombola prizes as well as possible auction lots.

Since Sarah died, Gazzard has been working tirelessly – with the support of his helpers – to raise money for a research programme set up in Sarah’s name, for the British Lung Foundation, and to raise awareness of organ donors.

November 2024, marks the 12th anniversary of Mr Gazzard's daughter dying. He was told by the Organ Donation charity that over 12 years, he has raised nearly £32,000. 

He has also successfully campaigned to have the law changed on organ donation so that people have to opt out if they don’t want to give their organs after they die.

However, Cllr Gazzard said they still need to raise awareness as people are still unaware that they have to declare which organs they want to donate and some next of kins are being successful in overturning organ donation wishes.

If anyone is interested in having a stall at the event, or is a performer who would like to take part, email exmouth.organdonor@gmail.com