The Budleigh Community Allotment at Seachange has received a cheque for £250 from the Budleigh Flower and Produce Show.

Bob Wiltshire and Sue Glover from the Flower Show presented the cheque to the team at the allotment on June 24.

Katheryn Hope, Seachange's Activity and Volunteer Coordinator, who oversees the community allotment, accepted the cheque on behalf of the team. She said: "The funding is much appreciated and will go towards both tools, plants and a fruit cage to help us make our fantastic allotment even more productive."

Volunteers Lesley Davies, Tom Miner, Luke Eveleigh and Lindsay Shannahan were delighted to be present at the presentation.

Budleigh Community Allotment is open to anyone who would like to get involved, young or old. The team usually meet on Tuesday mornings.

Participants benefit from physical exercise, meeting new like-minded people, healthy activity and fresh air, engaging with nature and learning, or sharing their knowledge, about gardening.

For more information about how to get involved, email Katheryn at