Cameron Davis, 31, of Exeter Road, Exmouth, has been found guilty of murdering Lorna England from Exeter in the Ludwell Valley Park in February 2023.

Following the court's verdict, her family have released this statement:

Our family has been devastated by the brutal murder of our much-loved Lorna. We have been tormented by the violence, pain and suffering inflicted by Cameron Davis on Lorna from such a mindless and brutal knife attack. 

We will never be able to come to terms with losing Lorna in this truly horrific and evil way. Every day we are tortured and tormented as we constantly relive in our heads what Lorna endured prior and during the attack, what she had to go through, what she saw, heard and experienced that day.

After enduring 16 months of waiting for the trial, we are slightly closer to understanding what happened that day.

We still have to live with the knowledge that we may never know or understand the reasons for this callous attack on a defenceless, kind and beautiful lady.

Was this attack as a result of threats made by Cameron Davis earlier in the day, saying he wanted to kill a random person?  If only we knew why you did this to Lorna.

We were relieved to hear today’s verdict of murder, and the knowledge that Cameron Davis will be in Prison where he belongs. Our loss will continue as nothing will bring Lorna back.

(Image: Devon and Cornwall Police)

Cameron Davis is an angry and manipulative liar, an individual who reacts aggressively when he does not get his own way. We can only hope that he will never be considered and released back into the community.

Throughout the process, we have seen no evidence of any remorse or taking responsibility for his actions that day.

It has been incredibly distressing and upsetting that, throughout this process, it has been all about Cameron Davis. Throughout the court hearings and trial, it has been all about him. His background, history and mental state.

It feels to us as if Lorna has been forgotten, she has become lost in the process. This is soul destroying and heartbreaking.

Lorna is the victim here, and that is why we feel it’s important that we tell you how lovely and how loved she was.

(Image: Supplied by family) Lorna was married to David for 52 years and had two children, Richard and Jackie. She was a mother-in-law to Sarah and Mat. A Grandma to Sophie, Jake, Lewis and Harry. An eldest sister to Wendy, Liz, Val, Mike, Sue, Ali, Graham and Barb. An Auntie to many, a cousin and a friend to so many people. She was robbed of her future and denied the opportunity of becoming a Great Grandma.

Lorna was only five minutes from home on the afternoon of Saturday 18th February 2023; she never made it back home. 

Life without Lorna is lonely and empty. The family home misses her presence, her love, her laughter and her voice. There’s a massive void in our lives now, which has changed forever. This has had a profound and lasting impact on all of her family and friends. Every single second of every day we miss Lorna and are living a nightmare.

If you met Lorna, you would have felt privileged to spend time with the most loving, young at heart, beautiful, gentle, fun-loving and kind lady. She would light up a room with her presence and beautiful smile.

Lorna was always so thoughtful and considerate in everything she did. Always prioritising others before herself. She would do anything for anyone, nothing was ever too much trouble.

Lorna was so loving and caring. She always made time for a chat, so thoughtful and dignified in everything she said and did.

Lorna worked so incredibly hard throughout her live. Striving for perfection whilst raising a family and looking after the family home. Nothing was too much trouble. Whether that was to help, support or offer advice. She was always there, never critical or judging of a situation.

Cameron Davis has denied Lorna her future, with us. He has ripped our family apart and broken our hearts.

There are many agencies and people that our family would like to thank for all their incredible hard work and support.

Devon and Cornwall Police’s Major Crime Investigation Team, our Family Liaison Officer and all the team that have been involved in this massive and complex case.

The Prosecution’s legal team.

To the emergency services Team who tried, in vain, to help and save Lorna’s life.

We would like to say a special thank you to the witness who saw and spoke to Cameron Davis immediately after the attack and was brave enough to risk her own life comforting Lorna.

And finally, to everyone who came forward to the police to provide statements and footage.