A five-day summer festival is taking place at A la Ronde to celebrate the end of a two-year conservation project and show off some new attractions at the National Trust property.

The festival begins on Tuesday, July 16 and runs until Saturday 20, with activities themed around the legacy of Mary and Jane Parminter, the cousins who built and loved A la Ronde.

There will be shell crafting workshops and talks, bookbinding and printing workshops, and a family craft session on Wednesday (July 17) to make headdresses for Exmouth Festival parade on Friday 19. The programme also includes live music and family theatre workshops, garden games and a community picnic, and special tours of the house and grounds, including a new family trail. 

There will also be Deaf awareness sessions and after school specials. 

All the workshops and activities are free but most require booking in advance, although some can be booked on the day. The normal admission fees to A la Ronde apply.

Emma Mee, Project Lead at A la Ronde, said: “We are delighted to be hosting a Summer Festival at A la Ronde. This wonderful programme of events is designed to celebrate the achievements of our project, showcasing our work with partnering groups, our conservation success, and sharing our new experiences through talks and craft workshops."

Harriet Squire, Project Co-Ordinator at A la Ronde, said: “This five-day festival will highlight why A la Ronde is so special, with a wide range of events including live music, theatre, workshops, talks, after school specials, and much more besides. We hope to welcome visitors of all ages to help us bring in new voices and backgrounds."

More details of the festival can be found on the National Trust website.