Bassetts Farm Primary School in Exmouth has achieved an overall ‘Good’ rating from Ofsted, and has been praised as ‘Outstanding’ in two areas.

Inspectors visited the school at the end of June and published their report on July 15.

They judged the school ‘Good’ for the quality of education, leadership and management, and early years provision, and ‘Outstanding’ for behaviour and attitudes and personal development.

Their report said: “From the moment pupils start at Bassetts Farm Primary School, they develop a love of learning for life. The school has high aspirations for all pupils. Pupils experience a range of opportunities through the ambitious curriculum. They enjoy attending school. Pupils say the school is friendly and welcoming.”

They said the pupils ‘behave exceptionally well’, ‘show exemplary attitudes to their learning’ and ‘socialise happily together’, as well as taking on various leadership roles in the school.

(Image: Bassetts Farm Primary School) The report also described the school’s curriculum for pupils’ personal development as ‘exceptional’ and noted that ‘there are a wide range of extra-curricular activities available and participation levels are very high’.

The school’s curriculum was described as ‘broad and ambitious’, going well beyond the basic requirements of English and maths. The inspectors said pupils ‘make  links between current and previous learning” and that within art ‘the portraits older children produce are of a very high standard’.

Other highlights from the report include:

Pupils with special educational needs are supported well

A love of reading is visible across the school

Pupils develop curiosity through learning outdoors 

Pupils are focused and respectful

Facilities such as the music studio and discovery room enhance pupils’ experience and enrich their learning.

(Image: Bassetts Farm Primary School) Headteacher Sarah Bennett said she is 'delighted' with the ‘Good’ and ‘Outstanding’ ratings, which are ‘a fantastic achievement within the Ofsted framework'.

She said: “The process was extremely positive and useful in terms of looking at school improvement and the inspectors were very thorough in their inspection of our school.

“Thank you to every member of the school and the wider community that continue to make Bassetts a wonderful place for children to learn. Also, thank you to parents and carers for your welcome support. We will continue to build on our successes whilst maintaining our ethos of a school where we develop ‘a love of learning for life’.”