A new initiative in Exmouth encourages smokers to dispose of cigarette butts responsibly – while also ‘voting’ on a burning local issue.

A ‘cigarette butt ballot bin’ has been installed outside the Exmouth Railway Club. It has two transparent boxes for disposing of fag ends, and smokers can choose which one they use according to their answer to the question: “How do you prefer your scone – jam (Cornwall) or cream (Devon) first?”

As the boxes fill up, people will be able to see which cream tea option is more popular locally.

The bin has been installed by Exmouth Town Council in collaboration with Plastic Free Exmouth. In other locations these ‘voting ashtrays’ have reduced cigarette litter by up to 73 per cent (Ellipsis impact report, 2021). This is good news for the environment, as cigarette butts contribute significantly to ocean pollution. They break down into microplastics and leak chemicals that are toxic to marine wildlife.

Councillor Tim Dumper, Chair of Exmouth Town Council’s Climate and Ecological Emergency Working Party, said: "Cigarette butts are too easy to drop on the ground. They litter our towns, countryside and beaches.

“But it’s not just littering that’s the problem – there is always a fire risk, and they also contain microplastics and various poisons.

“So I am delighted with the Cigarette Ballot Bin project, which aims to get these butts where they belong! Thanks very much to the Railway Club, Plastic Free Exmouth, and all those involved in getting the project up and running.”