Regular readers of this column will know I am unequivocal in my quest to tackle violence and improve community safety for all residents across the peninsula. Accordingly, this has always formed a core element of my Police & Crime Plan and will continue to do so for my next electoral term.

So, I was appalled earlier this week to witness the violent disorder that broke out in cities all over the country, including in Plymouth, where police officers were attacked as they sought to keep residents safe from the 500 strong crowd who’d gathered in the city centre – many intent only on wreaking havoc and causing criminal damage.

This was not legitimate protest, but opportunist thuggery at its worst and will not be tolerated, whether here or across the country, as the many large, peaceful counter-protests have since shown. As such, I welcome the strong response we’ve seen by the Government in tackling the recent violence that’s blighted our cities and towns.

Many of you will have read the open letter I issued last Wednesday to Devon & Cornwall residents (sent in unison with local criminal justice leaders) condemning the disorder and informing residents of our intention to identify and prosecute the perpetrators. I have been clear that we’ll use the full force of the law to enact justice swiftly and send a strong message of deterrence to potential troublemakers – especially if they’re thinking of attacking police officers operating in the line of duty.

Several individuals have been remanded in custody and of the six people arrested in Plymouth, four have pleaded guilty to offences under Section 2 of the Public Order Act 1986. Three are now in jail and their photographs published in the media.

You can be reassured that Devon & Cornwall’s shared intelligence and information systems are primed to respond dynamically to future violent threats and our police officers wholly  committed to public safety.

I’d like to extend my sincere thanks to all the law-abiding residents of Devon and Cornwall for their support at this time.

I condemn violence in any form, however it’s perpetrated – it’s a scourge that wrecks lives and traumatises communities. I welcome the strong response we’ve seen by police and cthe criminal justice system in tackling the recent disorder that’s blighted our cities and towns.

It’s right that perpetrators are brought to justice swiftly and a clear signal sent to all troublemakers that if they engage in illegitimate activity, they won’t escape the full force of the law.