Highlighting the needy with Anthony Bernard.

Not all readers voted for Keir Starmer on 4th August.  In fact our constituency elected a Tory, with Labour just behind and Lib-Dems a close third, so we are split almost equally three ways. 

 Additionally, not everyone will share my conviction that the Heavenly Host is watching over us, some making more direct references to God's providence, or Allah's, while others will reckon on the stars or just plain Lady Luck. 

Keir Starmer had the best background among all recent politicians to handle the upheavals, so my instinct credits the Heavenly Host bringing him to the helm to confront the mindless violence engulfing some towns and cities.  A Tory politician wrote that the police and courts would have managed by themselves, but firm direction from the top was undoubtedly important in quickly clamping a lid on extremism. 

Not a single person was shot.  Our riots were very different from many other countries, including South Africa where Elon Musk grew up or the USA where everyone is armed to the teeth, and even France and Germany where police routinely carry guns. 

The Bibby Stockholm barge is now free of migrants, so maybe that would be a good home for violent offenders.  They could vote whether to be moored off Clacton supporting Nigel Farage, in Florida near Donald Trump or just cast adrift.  One memorable picture is a very happy police dog with his teeth firmly grasping some miscreant's trousers, dragging him back for a chat with his master!  Please forgive some lighter thoughts from otherwise dark events! 

The nature of who we really are is demonstrated by the huge mass of flowers in memory of the three little girls who were killed, and the huge variety of locals of all colours and faiths to be seen clearing up after the mayhem, mucking in with a solid sense of community and standing up against extremism.  The mixed faith community showed their thinking by rebuilding a low wall that had been torn down outside Southport mosque.  Now that Protestants and Catholics have made peace among Christians, a few Muslims shouldn't upset the balance! 

In Germany in the 1930s, far right extremism frightened people into agreeing a Nazi government.  In France today, the mandate of the Gendarmerie is to protect the government from the people.  We argue in Britain about efficiency and have a politically elected home secretary and crime commissioners, but policing itself is organised locally to "keep the King's peace" - meaning everyone can go about their lawful business, with the chief constable and every officer swearing loyalty direct to the King as Head of State, bypassing politicians. 

My mind goes back to a late train from Exeter to Exmouth with a bunch of Royal Marines who were keeping serious rowdiness within their own group.  A group of drunks joined the train at Digby, and without a word all the marines fell quiet and just watched.  If any of the newly arrived drunks had molested any other passenger, they would be off the train in a flash, whether it was moving or not!  No suggestion or word of command would have been needed! 

So it is good to have a previous director of public prosecutions as prime minister at this particular moment, thought future events may trigger different comments.  The Heavenly Host got this one right and let's hope they keep watching over us.