The Woodland Trust, along with the community purchased Yonder Oak Wood from private landowners has completed recent works that have been going on this summer.

Many of the young trees that were planted. The team is planning to implement 48 leaky dams along the Wotton Brook to keep water on site for longer, creating lush new areas of wetland and diversifying habitat. They will also slow the flow, helping to reduce the risk of flooding downstream.

They are hoping to build a car park at the site, which is currently in the planning process.

Dave Wood from Wood4Trees is helping run the experimental trial on different mulches to plant young saplings. 

Danielle Semple, from The Woodland Trust said: "We want to assess the impact of different types of mulches when planting new trees. We are comparing No mulch (control), Woodchip, Jute mating (biodegradable mating), Cardboard disc base and woodchip, and Pesticide.

"The acquisition and development of Yonder Oak Wood has only been possible thanks to our amazing funders which include Biffa Award, as part of the Government’s Landfill Communities Fund, Lloyds Bank, the John Swire 1989 Charitable Trust, SCOPE, our members and supporters and a really heart-warming response to our public appeal."