Exmouth Art Group is busy preparing for its 78th annual exhibition, which starts next month at Ocean.

Taking place from Thursday 10 October to Monday 21 October, 10am to 5pm daily. This year's show will display a wide range of artwork in all mediums and styles, and a raffle supporting the RNLI in its 200th year.

Displaying work from group members, Exmouth Ceramic Group and Exmouth Community College Art students. A wide variety of artwork is available to view and buy.

Doug Gilding, the Art Group’s President, said: “We hope you can make it to the Exmouth Art Group exhibition. We will use the same formula as last year’s highly successful exhibition; an improved layout that facilitates up over 400 pieces of artwork to be exhibited as well as 3D work and a large display from Exmouth Ceramic Group. The Ocean venue is an excellent location to both peruse the art on display as well as enjoy the view from the top floor with a coffee. In addition to the art on display there will be cards and unframed folio work to purchase as well as digital art. There is a small £2 entry fee to help towards the increased cost of venue hire.”

The winner of the public vote in the previous year’s exhibition selects the beneficiary charity for the following year, Rebecca de Mendonça has chosen the RNLI.

Rebecca won the 2023 winning pastel painting of Camargue horses in ‘A Ride on the Beach.' She is donating an original artwork entitled ‘Evening in the Cove’.

Rebecca explains: “I felt incredibly honoured to win the Visitor’s Choice Award at the Exmouth Art Group 2023 Exhibition. As well as winning a trophy, I also got the chance to choose the charity for the 2024 exhibition. I cannot imagine a more deserving charity than the RNLI, an organisation here in the heart of Exmouth, that is funded entirely by donations and volunteers, who are complete heroes. All of us who enjoy the sea, whether for leisure or work, feel safer knowing that the RNLI are there.”

Tim Baker, Exmouth RNLI voluntary Chair said, "We are very grateful to Rebecca and Exmouth Art Group for nominating RNLI as it’s charity for 2024, our bicentenary year. The range and quality of art work created by members is truly impressive and we encourage everyone to take the time to visit Ocean and enjoy the exhibition." The guest judge for this year’s exhibition is Hannah Twine, a professional artist and tutor based in Devon. Her works are inspired by the natural world, taking in the dramatic landscapes of coast and countryside, demonstrating a strong focus on light, working from life and painting landscapes ‘en plein air’. Hannah is also an established animal and figurative artist. She happily flits between mediums, creating artworks in oil, pastel, watercolour and mixed media, and runs regular classes, workshops and demonstrations across Devon and Dorset, together with painting retreats in France.

Hannah said: “I have enjoyed visiting the Exmouth Art Group annual exhibition the last few years and I am always impressed with the diversity and quality of the art show. I am passionate about supporting art in the community and feel it is an essential way of bringing people together, demonstrating self-expression whilst visually recording the world around us. “It is an honour to be asked to judge this year’s event and I very much look forward to having an early chance to see the variety of art that the members will exhibit. Being a multi-diverse artist myself I appreciate the breadth of art subjects to include portrait, figurative, wildlife, landscape and still life along with all mediums. A balance of drama and sensitivity, laced with harmony and connection are important elements that I will be looking for. Above all else, art that provokes a sense of feeling and has something to say is key.”

For more information, visit their website.