The Devon Air Ambulance charity shop at 26 Chapel Street is appealing for the safe return of its defibrillator.

In a post on Facebook on Tuesday, they said: "Sadly our defibrillator has been taken from our Exmouth Shop and has not been returned. Luckily we have a back up unit so we are still able to offer those in our Exmouth community the use of a defib should it be needed.

"There is no record of this device being activated to help save a life so may have been stolen."

The device, potentially lifesaving in the event of a cardiac arrest is used to restart a person's heart in the event of a cardiac arrest. The machine is accessible 24 hours a day for anyone who needs it in the town centre.

If you see a defib  discarded please let them know by calling in to the Exmouth Shop, emailing or calling us on 01392 466666.