On Tuesday evening, around 300 people attended a public meeting to join the campaign against taking legal action against South West Water. 

Sideshore's Nicky Nicholls is leading the campaign with Leigh Day solicitors, who are acting on behalf of concerned businesses and residents) confirmed that anyone who has been affected by pollution incidents can join the claim - this includes businesses and beach users  (e.g. swimmers, kite surfers, rowers, sailors or dog walkers).

The legal action will focus on "public nuisance" which is defined as something which endangers “the life, health, property, morals or comfort of the public or obstructs a public right”. 

You can join the legal action campaign - https://leighdaylaw.info/ExmouthSewagePollution?

People do not have to live in Exmouth to join the claim - they need to be a beach user, or run a business which relies on people who use the beach.

Nicky Nicholls, Community Lead at Sideshore said: "It was really moving to see members of the community come together to seek next steps to protect our beach and our reputation. Nobody wants Exmouth to be in the spotlight because of sewage pollution - we are devastated to have become known for all the wrong reasons this summer.  Our residents and tourists are suffering as a result of SWW's inadequacy.  We all feel very strongly that enough is enough and we have been left with no choice but to take legal action".

People can register their interest here by emailing exmouthsewage@leighday.co.uk

To keep updated on next steps, follow Sideshore Community on Facebook or Instagram. Sideshore are leading on this legal action.