It's the third shout in 24 hours for our Exmouth RNLI volunteers as they go to the aid of two distressed kayakers.

At 12:30 on Thursday (Spetember 19), H.M. Coastguard tasked Exmouth RNLI to assist in the search for two kayakers who had been separated from their group for over 30 minutes.

The Exmouth Inshore Lifeboat, (ILB) launched with three volunteer crew at 12:38, followed shortly after by the Exmouth RNLI Lifeguard jet ski.

The kayakers had last been seen near Number 1 buoy in the River Exe channel and, the ILB crew spoke with the crew of the local range safety boat, the Smit Cern, who confirmed the location of the casualties.  One kayaker was struggling in the water in challenging 1m swell near their kayak, whilst the second kayaker was waving for assistance.

The ILB crew rescued the struggling kayaker from the water and headed back to the lifeboat station at best speed. The lifeguard jet-ski escorted the second kayaker to the safety of the shore.

Paramedics met the boat at the lifeboat station and took the casualty to hospital for further checks.

A spokesman for Exmouth RNLI said: "We would like to thank the crew of the Smit Cerne and our RNLI lifeguard colleagues for their timely assistance and we wish the casualty a swift recovery.

"Although the current weather conditions are beautiful, the strong tidal conditions have resulted in a number of shouts for our volunteers in the last 24 hours.   We advise all water users to check conditions before entering the water, take appropriate safety equipment for their chosen activity and carry a means of communication."