Eight pharmacies a week are closing their doors permanently in England, according to a new report.

Pharmacy closures have become a "widespread problem" Healthwatch England has said, causing “huge impacts” on patients – particularly those in rural communities and older people.

New data obtained by Healthwatch found that there were 436 pharmacies closed permanently in England between January 1 and December 31, 2023 – the equivalent of eight pharmacies shutting their doors every week.

It also found that these closures were eroding confidence in the expansion of pharmacy services.

These pharmacy closures have caused 'huge impacts' on patientsThese pharmacy closures have caused 'huge impacts' on patients (Image: Getty Images) Such measures would include the Conservative's flagship pharmacy First Service, which encourages people to seek care from a local pharmacist for several common ailments.

Older people more likely to be affected by pharmacy closures

Healthwatch found that areas with older populations were more likely to be affected by temporary closures of pharmacies in England.

“These findings suggest that the group most likely to use pharmacy services, older people, may be least well served when it comes to accessing them,” according to the report authors.

Healthwatch England is calling for patients to be better notified about pharmacy closures and for pharmacy teams to be better supported to have contingency plans.

It has also called for a national evaluation to consider issues facing pharmacy services.

Louise Ansari, chief executive at Healthwatch England, said: “Our research has shown that temporary pharmacy closures present a widespread challenge in England.

“This issue is having huge impacts on older people and is particularly acute in rural regions where people already have to travel further to visit their pharmacist.

“Staff shortages, the key driver of permanent and temporary closures, call into doubt the potential of Pharmacy First, meaning people can’t get the advice, care and medications they need and when they need them.

“We know that people’s frustration often stems from not being informed about pharmacy closures in advance.

“Better signposting that pharmacies will be closed and setting out alternatives would go some way to improving patient experience.

“However, in the longer term, action must be taken to address staff shortages and unequal access.

“A national evaluation of pharmacy funding and the size, role-mix and distribution of the pharmacy workforce is necessary to improve planning of pharmacy services.”

436 pharmacies closed last year in England (Image: Getty Images)Commenting on the report, Paul Rees, chief executive of the National Pharmacy Association, added: “It’s clear that rising levels of closures are risking leaving some areas of the country as pharmacy deserts, with people having to travel much further to get access to vital services.

“Community pharmacies act as the front door to the NHS.

“If people lose access to them, it will force more patients into the 8 o’clock scramble at their GP surgery, putting pressure on the rest of our NHS system.

“1.6 million people a day visit their pharmacy but they are closing at a record rate, and millions of people are seeing the effect of that in their communities.

“If the Government wants to cut GP waiting times – and free up GPs to see patients with more serious conditions – it needs to invest in community pharmacy.”

The Department of Health and Social Care has been approached for comment by PA.