A retired headteacher has given herself thousands of lines to write - 9966 to be precise.

That is the extent author Leonora Wilson will go for her debut novel A Dozen Words for Sixpence.

Leo of Masey Road, Exmouth who headed up Woodbury Salterton School for 12 years until 1997, will talk about both the book and the nitty gritty experience of publishing with Amazon at Exmouth Library at 10.30am on October 18.

Leo said: "I had a lot of family help with this book. My granddaughter Megan, son Mark and his wife Amanda all encouraged me to publish, helping me in a very hands-on manner."

She taught creative writing at Kennaway Devon County Council's office for Adult Education in Exmouth. She said she enjoyed the company of many prospective writers.

Her story is based on an event in her grandparent's lives in South Wales, when in 1923, in the great depression, her granddaughter tried (unsuccessfully) to find work in London - and decided to emigrate to Canada without telling her family. 

The synopsis for the book says: "Though he did send his wife a telegram to pack up her life and follow him.

As the couple had seven children and a shop in the front room, this was neither easy nor the career she wanted. Must she obey him? The law says so. 

Yet did he guess the change in his telegram, shortened to just a dozen words by crossing through the word love would make to their future?

Many true facts are hidden in the fictionalized version, including secrets and love, desperate, worry and cruel prejudice.

See Leo's book talk at Exmouth Library from 10.30 am on October 18.