A progressive and thrilling jazz show is set to take place in Exmouth.

The soundscape performance by the British European Jazz Ensemble (BEJE) will be held at the Blackmore Theatre on Bicton Street on October 27.

The show is part of the BEJE Siblings Not Fools Autumn 2024 tour, which celebrates the creative energy and unity that is possible when cultures meet through music.

The tour is a testament to Martin Luther King Jr.'s 1964 declaration: "Live together as brothers or perish together as fools."

Enrico Merlin pic at the Cotham ClubEnrico Merlin pic at the Cotham Club (Image: NQ)

The tour organiser and trumpeter, David Mowat, said: "I'm thrilled to be back in Bicton Street a year after a sell-out gig at the Blackmore Theatre with local legends Bob King and Livvy Hylton-Smith.

"It went so well I knew I'd be back."

The BEJE is a unique world music-tinged jazz ensemble that is made up of musicians from all over the continent.

The group is known for its "singular and energetic contemporary jazz performances" that are "always about collaboration, whether with other players or other cultures."

The line-up for the Exmouth show will include Enrico Merlin on guitar, Fabio Ferri on guitar, David Mowat on trumpet and flugelhorn, Federico Leonori on bass, and Paolo Adamo on drums.

The show promises to be a "journey into the great musical unknown," with "evocative and electrifying sonic worlds fizzing with surprises".

The BEJE's performances are described as "unique and unrepeatable," with the group being praised as "musically gifted... creative and technically excellent musicians" by Black Mountain Jazz in Wales.

The group is also known for its exploration of innovative ingredients for sonic fusion and its embrace of humanity by mirroring diversity in its music.

The Exmouth show is set to be an "exhilarating evening of playing... sensitively lyrical and full of zest."

For those interested in attending further concerts in the 2024 tour, details can be found on the Big Bromo Promo website.