Businesses on Exmouth seafront have launched a joint legal claim against South West Water after being impacted by sewage spills.

Businesses and residents in Exmouth who say they have suffered as a result of South West Water sewage pollution have launched a groundbreaking legal claim led by law firm Leigh Day.

Read more: Campaign to bring legal action against South West Water begins.

The claim will be brought against South West Water (SWW), which manages sewerage infrastructure in the region.

It will be the first community-led claim against a water company since it was made possible to bring such claims against water companies by a landmark Supreme Court ruling earlier this year.

The claim will allege that operations by the water company responsible for sewage pollution in Exmouth have led to a fall in tourism and other activities in the area, which has affected local residents and businesses.

Some 300 people then attended a meeting with Leigh Day to voice their anger about sewage spills that they blame for a downturn in tourism, as well as their reduced enjoyment of Exmouth Beach and the surrounding area.

Now a legal claim against SWW is being launched aiming to hold the water company accountable for its pollution. The claim also intends to ensure that businesses and individuals are compensated for the losses they have suffered.

Anybody who has expressed an interest in the claim should receive direct contact from Leigh Day soon.

To join the legal action, follow the link here. Exmouth sewage pollution claim | Leigh Day

In response, South West Water said: "We have not yet received notification of this claim from Leigh Day and are therefore unable to provide specific comment at this time, but please see below a statement on our focus on reducing storm overflows.

South West Water said: “Like all our customers, we care deeply about the quality of our region’s bathing waters and fully understand how important this is to residents, businesses and visitors in Exmouth.

“We are working with our regulatory partners to bring forward our planned improvements in Exmouth. This includes upgrading our pumping stations and treatment works to significantly reduce the number of spills.

“We are continuing to do everything we can to protect the environment as part of our £38 million investment in Exmouth.”

Leigh Day partner Oliver Holland said: “Since representing Jo Bateman in her case against South West Water, it has become clear that sewage pollution is an issue many people and businesses in the Exmouth community feel they have been affected by. Having met with local representatives to investigate and discuss next steps, we are now launching this legal claim against South West Water.

“This is a groundbreaking legal action and is the first time a community has mobilised to hold a water company to account by taking advantage of a change in the law following the recent Supreme Court decision. This legal action has the potential to not only hold South West Water to account for their pollution in Exmouth, but also to deter water companies from polluting rivers and seas up and down the country.”