Exmouth Chamber of Commerce chairman Laura Woodward-Drake writes for the Journal.

Exmouth Journal: New chamber of commerce chairNew chamber of commerce chair (Image: Laura Woodward-Drake)

Whilst we all eagerly await March 8th, to see whether a slight sense of normal begins to return, the hospitality industry is spending the time reviewing, refining and getting ready to relaunch. I met with Darren Grice, creator and chef at Barbecue Thirteen - an exciting private catering and events company that has found a new home in the heart of one of Exmouth’s well known hotels - The Manor and is looking forward to launching in 2021.

Exmouth Journal: The space at the Manor Hotel where Barbecue ThirtennThe space at the Manor Hotel where Barbecue Thirtenn (Image: Darren Grice)

Darren’s journey is extremely inspiring - from serving afternoon tea to the Queen, to developing a ‘fine dining’ version of barbecue food and running intimate events in Cyprus - Barbecue Thirteen is a modern and creative coal barbecue events company offering amazing local produce and visual theatre, all of which are on an intimate scale.

Exmouth Journal: Barbecue Thirteen logoBarbecue Thirteen logo (Image: Darren Grice)

Having only moved to Exmouth last year, Darren and family had previously run a local gastro pub alongside their events in Hertfordshire, but were keen visitors to our wonderful town.

When they moved here, the opportunity to join The Manor arose and was a perfect fit for their vision, which they hope to bring to life in March.

The aim of the restaurant is to offer somewhere for holiday makers and local people to dress up, relax and eat good food.

“When you’re on holiday, it’s always nice to have somewhere more formal to go in the evening as it makes it feel special and adds to the experience.” commented Darren, as he joked about the ‘no flip flop’ policy they intend to implement.

It’s clear Darren has a passion for food and making the most of his ingredients.

The menu will be focused on seasonal, local ingredients - from plant based goodness to slow cooked, locally reared meat.

The BBQ will be the centerpiece for all of the options.

They are also looking to utilise the grounds around the Manor to offer outdoor summer sessions involving elevated street food. I for one am definitely interested in the ultimate tacos he described! It’s so great to meet entrepreneurs like Darren, who see Exmouth as an amazing hub to run a business in and the Barbecue Thirteen and Manor Hotel collaboration is certainly something that will bring a spark to the town and compliment the array of great hospitality offerings we have.

To enquire about vacancies, events or bookings, go to: https://barbecuethirteenmanorhotel.co.uk/ or follow them online: https://www.facebook.com/bbqthirteen

If you are opening a new business in 2021 or have some exciting news to share about your business, please do get in touch - chair@exmouthchamber.co.uk - the Exmouth Chamber is a collaborative network with the mission to support and connect the business community in our town, growing stronger, together. For anyone who is in need of support with their business, please also get in touch and we will do all we can to match you with the right advice.