Chardstock Bowls Club bravely battled Budleigh Bowls Club on July 6 despite rain-threatening conditions.

The wet and windy match took place in Budleigh with twelve Charsdstock players completing the Mixed Triples.

P. Baldwin, N. Muggeridge, and J. Curie secured Chardstock's sole victory, with the Budleigh team triumphant in the remaining three matches, marking an overall win of 75:52.

Following the 9 Ends, the game paused for tea, promptly resuming as the sun brightened the afternoon.

Budleigh's captain of the day, Melissa Camp, said: "Unfortunately due to adverse weather conditions the match scheduled at Chardstock in May was cancelled.

"It was great that we were able to complete our game today and we look forward to going to Chardstock next year."